Friday, February 26, 2010

Waitin' at the airport

Sigh! The most frustrating moment of any racing trip... I've been separated from my bike and I'm now sitting at Auckland airport waiting for my flight, listening to mundane airport announcements and surrounded by the stench of fast food.

At least I'm on my way...

I've been getting li'l nervous butterflies all week now, and not necessarily because it's a race, but I'm just soooooooo excited, so with a few minutes spare, thought I'd share with you what I'm excited about....
- RIDING!!! In a new place for 5 days straight... I've felt really fast lately, and there's nothing more fun than riding really fast (that's right, I don't train for my races, I train because riding fast is much more fun than riding slow!!!)
- Seeing my mates Andy and Spencer... And I'm sure a few others who happen to be along for the ride
- Getting my new AYUP LIGHTS... There's nothing quite like them for weight and brightness. Perfect for the dawn raid, and that bright orange jersey will be handy post-race on Auckland roads moving into winter...
- Not being at work for a week... Sorry guys, but I really do appreciate the time off!!!
- Meeting some awesome people
- Hopefully landing a spot on the podium (gotta talk it up...)

So, an hour til my flight boards, and tomorrow at this time, I'll be in Thredbo ready to tackle the first stage on Monday...

Hopefully 'll have some sort of internet access and I'll keep you all posted with updates!

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